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Kmarts Downfall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kmarts Downfall - Essay Example The opposition model built up by Porter is a scientific device for considering industry conduct and corpo...
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Kmarts Downfall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kmarts Downfall - Essay Example The opposition model built up by Porter is a scientific device for considering industry conduct and corporate systems. It is gotten from mechanical association financial matters and incorporates five powers. These powers, thus, decide the degree of rivalry, and in this manner that productivity of a market. These five powers involve substitutes, contenders, new entering firms, bartering intensity of providers and clients. The realities of this contextual analysis uncover that Kmart was confronting extreme rivalry from Wal-shop and Target. Wal-Mart started the development of consistently low costs, which was a progressively commendable substitute for items in Kmart. Likewise, Wal-Mart used data innovation to track deals in the entirety of their stores and for requesting supplies of quick moving things. Wal-bazaar vigorously put resources into data innovation by putting in new registers with standardized tag scanners in each store during the 1970s and mid 1980s, which took care of the business information into the back-end PCs. This data, thusly, helped them in arranging future techniques, choosing which items procure more benefit. In this way, they increased an upper hand. By 1983, Wal-Mart had the option to get products for just two pennies while Kmart needed to pay five pennies for every dollar for getting merchandise to stores. This implied Wal-Mart was in a situation to sell items at a value three percent lesser rather than Kmart. At that point, another contender Target started another battle in which they delineated themselves as an ease wellspring of value and style shop. They concentrated on marketing. These appealing plans removed Kmart’s piece of the overall industry. This exhibits Kmart was feeling the squeeze of substitutes, contenders, and lost clients. In 1987, Kmart embraced speculations worth 1 million to modernize their systems.â
Friday, August 21, 2020
See order instructions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
See request guidelines - Assignment Example Krishna at that point reveals to Arjuna that it is his entitlement to battle. He utilizes the accompanying contentions; Arjuna is a Kshatriya, thus it is his dharma to battle on the off chance that he ignores he will endure awful karma. The other contention is that the officers he will slaughter won't kick the bucket, and just their bodies will bite the dust. At long last, in the event that he won't battle the officers will pass on in some other manner (Hindu perspectives, p.12). As indicated by the creator, the Gita legitimizes war dependent on the contentions of Krishna. Additionally in the Gita there are sure standards about war that are like the Western simply war standards yet defended in an unexpected way. The greater part of the Hindu rulers have utilized war and a large portion of the residents have bolstered it. Be that as it may, from the creator most Hindus trust Ahimsa is against both creature penance and war. The most popular enemy of war Hindus were Vinoba Bhave and Mohandas K. Gandhi. The creator likewise exhibits that ‘just war’ which is the utilization of war to complete a war or foul play as supported Arjuna by Krishna, shows that the end legitimizes the methods. Gandhi turned around the request and guaranteed that the methods legitimize the end. Gandhi deciphered the Gita as a profound message managing the inward human battle and not outside war (Hindu perspectives, p.14). As per the creator, Gandhi had a thought that after the finish of a war there will be numerous passings, and the circumstance will be more awful than it was. He likewise observed that Arjuna had egotistical bias since he was not contradicted to war he was simply restricted to murdering his family members. Along these lines, if war were adequate, he could likewise execute his family members. Then again, Vinoba noticed that Gita instructs about the love of God and administration to others particularly that out of luck and not slaughtering them. The creator shows that most Hindus consider viciousness to be fighting as a customary piece of life, particularly the Kshatriyas. Crafted by cops in the criminal equity framework is to guarantee that
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Book Four of Swifts Gullivers Travels Satirical, Utopian, or Both - Literature Essay Samples
Once kick the world, and the world and you will live together at a reasonably good understanding.Jonathan SwiftWhen Gullivers Travels was first published in 1726, Swift instantly became historys most famous misanthrope. Thackeray was not alone in his outrage when he denounced it as past all sense of manliness and shame; filthy in word, filthy in thought, furious, raging, obscene (quoted in Hogan, 1979: 648). Since then, few literary works have been so dissected, discussed and disagreed apon. It is the magnum opus of one of the English languages greatest satirists, but certainly does not offer any easy answers. It is written like the typical travel book of the day, but instead of offering a relaxing escape from the real world, it brings us face to face with reality in all its complexity.Of the four books comprising the work, by far the most controversial has been the last: A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms. In it, the narrator, Gulliver, is deposited by mutineers on an island inhabite d by two species. The Yahoos are dirty, savage and barbaric, with no capacity for reason. These wretched creatures physically resemble humans but immediately fill Gulliver with loathing. The Houyhnhnms, on the other hand, are a race of talking horses governed completely by reason. They lead natural, simple lives, and use the Yahoos for menial labour. They are so honest they cannot conceive of the notion of dishonesty. They regard Gulliver as a precocious Yahoo and, after a few years, banish him from the Island. Gulliver is heartbroken, having developed a love for these serene creatures and their way of life. He spends the rest of his life in England, trying talk to horses and regarding his fellow humans only with Hatred, Disgust and Contempt. Until the 20th century, criticism of book four tended to equate Gulliver with Swift. Gulliver would rather jump from the ship that rescued him than re-enter human society He cannot bear to look at his own reflection because of the resemblance he bears to the Yahoos. He sees himself as unworthy even to kiss the hoof of his Houyhnhnm master. This deeply offended an England which regarded man as the apex of creation and the paradigm of reason. Swift seemed to be damning mankind to a useless, horrible existence, without the prospect of any self-improvement or progress.Modern criticism, however, can be divided into two broad schools of thought concerning the extent Swift wished to present the Houyhnhnm society as ideal. James L. Clifford distinguishes between a ÂÅ'soft and a ÂÅ'hard approach (Lock, 1999). The approach one takes has a bearing on ones entire notion of the book: on the narrative technique, on the genre, and, most importantly, on the target of Swifts satire.The soft approach, currently the more popular of the two, defends Swift from his 18th century detractors by refuting the idea of Swift as a people-hater. Exponents believe that there is a clear distinction between Gulliver and Swift , and that Swift is satirising his narrator rather than speaking through him. The Houyhnhnms are ironic devices not meant to be taken as ideal. Similarly, the reader is not to despise the Yahoos as Gulliver does, because the Yahoos, too, are abstractions. Gullivers behaviour at the end is so absurd and silly that all the insight he has gained cannot be taken seriously. He regards the kind Captain Mendez as just another Yahoo, thus he is clearly unreliable, say the critics. Furthermore, the Houyhnhm society is, by modern standards, far from ideal. Houyhnhnms love all members of their race equally, yet feel no romantic or sexual love. As supremely rational creatures, they see it as folly to mourn the death of a particular family member or friend. They reject anything that they are not familiar with. They exploit the Yahoos and procreate according to strict eugenic principles so as to breed an inferior servant class. Their language is limited and their culture primitive. The y come across as remote, cold and dreary. George Orwell takes particular exception to the Houyhnhnms, calling them walking corpses. He sees their society as the epitome of totalitarianism, where the attitude is we know everything already, so why should dissident opinions be tolerated? (Orwell, 1971: 353). Surely this could not have been Swifts idea of an ideal society, says the soft school. The Houyhnhnms must be symbols for mans rational element, and the Yahoos symbols for mans appetitive, sensual qualities. Swift hated deistic rationalism, popular in the 18th century, which relied on reason as the only guide for belief and action. Thus Gulliver is satirised for failing to find a balance between his humanity and his intellect. Crane sums up the imputed moral: human nature is bad enough, but it is not altogether hopeless; reason is a good thing, but a life of pure reason is no desirable end for man. This critical approach tends to see Gullivers Travels as a novel. Gulliver is a psychologically complex character and Swift uses him as a dramatic device.This paper wishes to reject the easy compromises of this approach in favour of the traditional, ÂÅ'hard school of thought. Gullivers Travels is a satire, and Gulliver as satirical device does not have a fully-fledged personality. Although it is dangerous to equate narrator with author completely, Gulliver and Swift share the same basic view of human nature. The difference, as R. Crane says, is simply between a person who has just discovered a deeply disturbing truth about man and is considerably upset and one who has known this truth all along and can therefore write of his heros discovery calmly and with humour. There are no indications anywhere that Swift did not himself believe the words he puts into his heros mouth. Readers have no other source but Gulliver, no contradicting views between which to decide. The ending of the book is not comical, but poignant. Gulliver, once so self-assured and p roud of his species, has undergone a tragic disillusionment which cleverly forms the climax of the entire work. The view that Gullivers Travels does in fact despair of the human condition ties in with what is known of the author. His declaration that Principally [he] hate[s] and detest[s] that animal called man (quoted in Columbia, 1993) is certainly unequivocal enough. Swift was an orthodox Christian and a conservative. His puritanical views caused him to regard man as fallen, as inherently sinful and evil. The Houyhnhnms represent prelapsarian existence. Unlike them, Adam and Eve were not content to live in blissful ignorance and brought about mans wretched state by following their appetites rather than their reason. Similarly, Gullivers curiosity and thirst for adventure is the cause of all his troubles and of his cruelty to those he leaves behind.He was certainly no democrat‹he hated lords and politicians but felt no better about the lower classes. To claim Swift co uld not have sanctioned the exploitation of the Yahoos or lower caste of Houyhnhnms is to assume that Swift had modern values such as freedom and equality. These values resemble meliorism, which argued for the possibility of progress and improvement of society and which Swift dismissed even in his own day. We also know, from another work, the Battle of the Books and from book threes Voyage to Glubdubbdrib that Swift had great respect for Classical Man. Although the Ancient Greeks and Romans were still human, they were as noble, uncorrupted and sensible as man could get. The Houyhnhnm society reminds of the Classical society in its simplicity. It corresponds particularly well with Platos description of his ideal state in the Republic. In the Republic, everyone knows their place and duties in society. Inferiors do not strive to be equal to their superiors, and superiors do not ill-treat their inferiors. Children are educated only in mythology and physical fitness. The rulers h ave no private property or families, having given their children to the community at birth. Plato felt that only a few people possessed the capacity to reason properly, but that this capacity was the most valuable. He also distrusted the written medium, which he regarded as imperfect and misleading. It seems as if Swift had Plato specifically in mind when creating the Houyhnhnms. Plato did not believe that his ideal society would ever come into existence, and Swift probably believed so even less. But unlike the soft school, which says that a life of reason is unattainable and undesirable, Swift believed that it is only unattainable. Whether Swift portrays the Houyhnhnm society as perfect for humans is an almost superfluous question, as it will never come about. Rather, it is a foil for human society, a device to show that we are not as rational as we think. Swift, in a letter to Pope, says that Gullivers Travels aims at proving the falsity of that definition animale rational e; and to show that it should be only rationis capax (quoted in Hogan, 1979: 648). By this he means that man has the capacity for a smattering of reason, but that instead of using it to uplift himself, he uses it to increase his depravity. The singularly human phenomenon of war, for instance, so ridiculous when explained by Gulliver, requires some intelligence on the part of humans‹but not much. Gullivers sleeping quarters are literally halfway between the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms, and this becomes a metaphor for mans paradoxical state. Swift includes sympathetic characters like Captain Mendez in the book to drive home the point that he is referring to all humans, including the reader who may imagine himself exempted. Perhaps this is the reason why readers are so eager to soften the message of Gullivers Travels‹because they want to deflect the harsh glare of his satire away from themselves. This is certainly why the work has become a popular childrens story. The id ea that we are all Yahoos for life alarms people as much today as it did almost three centuries ago. Then there are the numerous references to excrement, which becomes a symbol for mans filthiness. When the Yahoos first see Gulliver, they defecate on his head, whereas Swifts ideal being, the horse, has particularly inoffensive dung and lives cleanly. This ties in with the contrast between the Yahoo diet and the Houyhnhnm diet. Gulliver cannot live on the monotonous but healthy diet of the Houyhnhnms, and this is further proof of barbarism. However, Swift does, ultimately, give us a glimmer of hope for humanity. After all, this is the Irish patriot who pronounced Ireland the most miserable country apon earth. Although he is passionate in his hatred for humankind, he is almost equally passionate in his love for it. True, this is no gentle humanist who sees the world basking in a rosy glow. Yet no-one who really does not care for his own species is so angry at finding it defi cient. If Swift were really an all-out misanthrope, he would not have seen the point of trying to make humanity aware of its condition. He would not have given two thirds of his earnings to the poor. In his own forceful way, Swift dedicated his life to improving society. He knew he could not make Houyhnhnms of humans, but at least he could hold up his famous mirror of satire to show his fellow Yahoos what they really are. BibliographyThe Deists. 1991. The Concise Columbia Encyclopaedia. Columbia: Columbia University Press.Rationalism. 1992. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 3rd ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin.Jonathan Swift. 1993. The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations. Columbia: Columbia University Press.Bennett, S. 2000. The Act of Reading Gullivers Travels. In Readerly/Writerly Texts, edited by O. Oviedo, www.enmu.edu/Readerly/Writerly/4gullive.htm Botha, W.M. Du Toit, P.H. 1994. Guidelines for the Preparation of Written Assignments . 2nd ed. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.Crane, R.S. 1971. The Houyhnhnms, the Yahoos and the History of Ideas In Penguin Critical Anthologies: Jonathan Swift, edited by D. Donoghue. Middlesex: Penguin Books, p. 363-385Hogan, R. 1979. Jonathan Swift. The Macmillan Dictionary of Irish Literature. London: Macmillan Press, p. 636-637, 646-650.Lock, F. 1999. Notes. Queens University, qsilver.queensu.ca/~lockfp/donoghue.html.Orwell, G. 1971. Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gullivers Travels. In Penguin Critical Anthologies: Jonathan Swift, edited by D. Donoghue. Middlesex: Penguin Books, p. 342-360.Swift, J. 1940. Gullivers Travels. London: J.M. Dent and Sons.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Diversity of Women and Minorities in the Entertainment World Compared to Buddhism and Christianity - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1258 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/16 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Buddhism Essay Christianity Essay Did you like this example? Throughout the years, women and minorities have made significant steps towards equality in society. Going as far back as the right to own land to the right to vote. To this day, both women and minorities are making a positive stride towards equality. Entertainment plays a huge part in todays society. It has evolved for the better over the years. Diversity in women and minorities has grown tremendously in the movie, television, and music industry. The traditions of Buddhism and Christianity can be compared within the growth of diversity in women and minorities in todays entertainment world. First, the movie industry has grown over the years when it comes to diversity for women and minorities. Over many years, the movie industry has changed, for what many believe is for the better. Over time, women and minorities went from being stereotyped to playing lead roles in movies. In films from the 1920s, women were flappers, working girls, virgins or vamps. (Luther 156) Fast forwarding many years to 1980, the comedy 9 to 5, which starred Dolly Patron and others who played roles of working women who rebel against their harassing boss. Jennifer Lopez and Halle Berry, who are considered minorities, have achieved success in many leading roles. (Luther 160) Halle Berry is the first and only women of color to win an Oscar for Best Actress. (Gonzales) Moving towards present day, Casino Royale, was released in 2006. Eva Green plays Vesper Lynd, a beautiful strong woman who Bond falls in love with. (Luther 163) Another huge release was the movie Wonder Woman. It made near $400M at the b ox office fueled by a female moviegoer fan base. (DAlessandro) There is still a lack of women and minorities in movies, but it is seen that more and more women and minorities are playing powerful lead roles since the start of films. Although, there is definitely a long way to go when it comes to diversity for women and minorities in the movie industry. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Diversity of Women and Minorities in the Entertainment World Compared to Buddhism and Christianity" essay for you Create order In movies and television, religious characters are built to be relatable characters to the real world. Producers and directors do this to connect with the audience and make movies and television shows appealing. According to the Pew Research Center, 68 percent of Americans believe theres more than one way to learn about religion. And movies are one of the mediums. (Scribner) In The Lion King there is a scene where Mufasa appears in a cyclone of clouds and talks to Simba. There is a religious message being taught in this scene. The message is that life goes on after death. Both Buddhists and Christians believe that there is an afterlife. Death is not considered the end of life. The movie Little Buddha is about a mans spiritual journey. There is a main female role in the movie, the mother. She narrates the life story of Prince Siddhartha. Prince Siddhartha goes through a journey and once he attains enlightenment, he becomes Buddha. This movie exhibits how Secondly, diversity for women and minorities in the television business has developed in a good way. Similar to the movie industry, diversity for women and minorities in the television business is growing. A study done by B.S. Greenberg and L. Collette from Fall 1993 through Fall 2004, indicated that the proportions of women and African Americans in television increased. (Greenberg) In the past, men dominated when it came to the strong lead roles in television shows. There was not a large representation of women and minorities in the television business. In present day, the hit television show, Scandal stars an African American woman, Kerry Washington, as lead character Olivia Pope. In the show, Olivia Pope is portrayed as a strong woman. In the beginning of the series, she runs a presidential campaign and eventually runs the White House. This shows that black women have at long last been accepted in above the line positions in mainstream Hollywood production. (Erigha) Many will agre e that there is a positive development of diversity for women and minorities in the television business, but it is not near where it should be. In a Netflix Original series, Orange is the New Black a female is one of the main characters. Cindy Hayes grew up in a strict religious household. As a child, she would get yelled at for eating before a dinner prayer. Growing up a Christian, she was judged for being so religious. When in prison, she came to terms with her upbringing. She finally wanted to explore a relationship with God. In the real world, its rare that someone is truly judged for being religious and practicing it, but in this television show, religion is talked about it. It is presented in a respectful way. Gilmore Girls was a television show that aired from 2000 until 2007. Mrs. Kim is a relevant character in the show. She is painted to be a strict Korean mother, who speaks English with a thick accent. In the show, the viewers learn that Mrs. Kim is actually a Christian, while her mother is a Buddhist. She had to hide her religious opinion and beliefs from her mom. She would have to hide her crosses and other things from her mother because she did not want her mother finding out. Growing up, Mrs. Kims mother raised her to be a Buddhist. Driving her to hide her Christianity beliefs. She did not want to disappoint her mom with her own beliefs and opinions. Mrs. Kim is a minority and she plays a big part in the show. Women and minorities have grown tremendously in the entertainment industry. Alongside women and minorities, religion is incorporated into the entertainment world every single day. Women and minorities in these movies and television shows play religious main characters. The ex amples given show that Buddhism and Christianity are prominent in the entertainment world. Lastly, diversity for women and minorities has changed in a positive way in the music industry. Currently rap is enjoying unprecedented success. In the rap world, it is predominately minorities. There are many successful rappers in the music industry. For example, the group Run DMC, Run (Joseph Simmons), DMC (Darryl McDaniels), and their DJ, Jam Master Jay (Jayson Mizell) have achieved rare longevity as rap artists. In 1984 the group produced the first rap album to be certified gold. They went on to become the first rap artists to collect two gold albums and a gold and platinum album simultaneously. (Powell 247) As for women in the rap world, Queen Latifah and the group Salt-n-Pepa were some of the successful ones. (Powell 252) A group from Los Angeles called N.W.A had an album released in 1988 called Straight Outta Compton. It was a collection of raps concerning life on the streets and suggested reality to many. (Sullivan 203) N.W.A was considered to be very successful. Their album eventually turned into a movie that was a hit in theaters. 16 members of the Celebrity 100- Forbes annual list of the top-earning celebrities- are women. (Berg) It may not be a lot, but it is definitely progress. Entertainment is a part of most peoples day to day lives. Going back in time, there were very few women and minorities in the entertainment industry. This has changed drastically from the past to present day. To conclude, diversity in women and minorities in the movie, television, and music industry has progressed a lot over the years. They are seen playing main roles in big movies and television shows. Also, many top artists in the music industry are women and minorities. The entertainment world is a key part in todays society.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rethinking Cold War History, By John Lewis Gaddis
Gaddis, John L. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press1997. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History, is a book about the Cold War. This book was written by John Lewis Gaddis. John L. Gaddis is a Cold War historian. He portrays the Cold War in English and through the dialect of others. The thesis of this book is, I seek to situate this book at a particular point in time, not to claim timelessness for it. This is what I think we know now but did not know, or at least did not know as clearly, while the Cold War was going on. This thesis shows the Gaddis’s purpose behind this book. The purpose, in my opinion, is to clearly show the readers the information that the post-Cold War scholars of Cold†¦show more content†¦Hitler knew this, so his prediction was basically more like putting two and two together. This means that he put together the facts and made his prediction. The rise and fall of Germany led to the clashing of these two superpowers. If Germany was not torn apart by World War II then, the Unites States and Russia would not have collided in Europe. On the other side of that coin, one could say that the Cold War was inevitable because these two superpowers had different outlooks on politics. USSR was more concerned about spreading communism and their own security, whereas the United States wanted peace and world security. Gaddis discusses the impact that these countries had in Europe and their clashing. This discussion is more of a cause and effect. When the Soviet Union blockaded Berlin, the United States responded with the Berlin Airlift. After this, the Soviet Union, wanted to expand their territory, and the United States responded with their Containment policy. This policy is important and plays a role throughout the Cold War. USSR had a sphere of influence that was growing and the United States wanted to stop this. The threat was valid because countries in Europe were weak after World War II and the United States did not want countries to elect a communist leader. In this case, the leaders would vote in the manner that Moscow wanted them to and this was a threat to World security. So, the United States implemented another policy. This policyShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War: A New History by John Lewis Gaddis831 Words  | 4 Pagesof American history was analyzed. The Cold War is rampant with Ameri can foreign policy and influential in shaping the modern world. Strategies of Containment outlines American policy from the end of World War II until present day. Gaddis outlines the policies of presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, including policies influenced by others such as George Kennan, John Dulles, and Henry Kissinger. The author, John Lewis Gaddis has written many books on the Cold War and is an avidRead MoreWas President Truman Responsible for the Cold War? 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Speech on diabetes free essay sample
My presentation is on diabetes. Does anyone know anything about at all about diabetes? It is estimated that more than one in 20 people in the UK has diabetes (diagnosed or undiagnosed) and the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased from 1. 4 million to 2. 9 million since 1996. Around 85% of people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes, because of our ageing population and rapidly increase of overweight and obese people. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a persons blood sugar level to become too high. This is because of insulin deficiency. Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas which controls the amount of glucose in your blood. When someone takes in carbohydrates, it is broken down into glucose which goes into the blood. Insulin allows glucose from the blood into your body cells where it is converted into energy. If someone has diabetes, they lack insulin or their body is resistant to insulin so the glucose in the blood can’t get into the body cells for energy. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech on diabetes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So every time the person eats food containing carbohydrates, glucose stays in the bloodstream and the blood glucose levels may rise dangerously. Differences between Type 1 and 2 There are two types of diabetes. Type one and type two. Type 1 is genetic whereas type 2 is developed by lifestyle, for example obesity. Type 1 is most commonly found in childhood and type 2 generally developed in adults over 40. There is Type 1 diabetes which is where no insulin is produced as the body destroys the insulin producing cells and Type 2 which is where either not enough insulin is produced, or your body is unable to use the insulin that is produced. Why is it that the rate of diabetes has grown so much recently? Globalization and economic development have affected the number of people with diabetes because of nutritional shifts. These typically involve increased consumption of animal fat and energy-dense foods, decreased fibre, and more frequent intake of fast foods. In many Asian countries, risk of diabetes has increase because of eating polished white rice and refined wheat. Consumption of brown rice, a whole grain, protects against the disease. South Asians and Indians are more at risk of diabetes because of their way of cooking because they use vegetable and animal ghee which has extremely high trans fatty acid which is associated with increased risk. Greater consumption of cereal fibre and polyunsaturated fat is associated with decreased risk. Symptoms to look for? People with undiagnosed diabetes may have several symptoms. Urinating frequently – this is because when their blood glucose levels rise too high, their body tries to lower the glucose levels through the kidneys. This also takes a lot of water with it, causing the person to feel thirsty. The glucose can’t be used in body cells to produce energy so it causes their body to start breaking down its fat stores for energy which leads to weight loss. This isn’t enough energy for their body, causing them to feel tired. The prevalence of depression is approximately twice as high in people with diabetes as it is in the general population. Helps and Preventions Although diabetes cannot be cured, once it is diagnosed, it can be successfully treated. In the case of people who have non-insulin-dependent diabetes, by eating healthily and losing the weight that triggered the pancreas to falter in the first place, the pancreas is often able to resume its normal duties efficiently and the symptoms disappear. If it is type 1 diabetes and all of the insulin producing cells have been destroyed, they are fully dependant on insulin injections. If diabetes has been controlled well the risk of developing diabetes complications like heart disease, stroke, blindness and kidney failure are much lower. But this doesnt mean that their diabetes has gone away. If it is poorly controlled, it can damage your nerves, muscles, sweat glands and circulation in the feet and legs leading to amputations. Up to 70 per cent of people die within five years of having an amputation as a result of diabetes. Conclusion s Obesity accounts for 80–85 per cent of the overall risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The risk in developing diabetes type 1 depends on who in your family has diabetes. If the mother has diabetes there is a 2% chance of developing diabetes type 1, if the father has it there’s an 8% of developing it and if both parents have it there’s a 30% chance. It is good to have a proper lifestyle –eat properly, exercise. Just don’t eat foods that are full of simple sugars, trans fats or animal fats and you won’t develop Type 2. If you have already Type 1 – regular insulin injections, eating properly, exercise and stress management will help.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Beer Process Essay Example For Students
The Beer Process Essay The dried grain kernels need to absorb moisture in the softening House so that the barley can germinate. This process takes 50 hours. Throughout this time the barley is aired and washed using pumps. Through the water separator, the barely dives as the brewers like to say into the softening vat. Round softening vats and water separation prepare the grain during the even and slow insertion of the barley. (Picture 2/3). In every beer, the most important ingredient is malt. Bottom fermenting beers uses barley malt, while top fermenting beers allow the use of other malts. For example, in addition to barley malt, wheat malt will be used. In Athenian Brewery S.A, special malting and brewing barley types have been germinated and cultivated. Important to the barley cultivators are full kernel, fine spelt (husks) and rich enzyme content. Most beer barley types have a lower yield than the barley that feeds animals. With their special ingredients, though, they reach a high yield during fermentation and add to beers noble taste. We will write a custom essay on The Beer Process specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now From Barley comes â€Å"Green Malt†Raw barley is not ready to be used in brewing. In order to unlock the hidden ingredients, it needs to be malted. To do this the barley, after being cleaned and sorted, is soaked for two or three days in a large vat full of water, where they swell and then begin to germinate. Germination enhancing chemicals are forbidden. The barley kernels soak up water quickly at the beginning, and then more slowly during the soak. With the proper temperatures and rich amounts of oxygen, the barley begins to germinate. Finally the barley is laid out for five days to germinate. With the right amount of air, it becomes green maltIn order to stop the germination, the malt is kiln-dried under high temperatures. Moisture, Temperature and the length of the drying process determine if light or dark malt (and with it the ingredients for lighter and darker beer styles) will be made and give malt its typical malt aroma. The finished brewing malt contains only 3 or 4% moisture and is now ready to be stored. It is cleaned and separated from the germinating malt, dusted and polished and then stored in silos that are well ventilated and protected from dust development. The germination sets biological changes within the kernel into action: Enzymes are activated or newly created. These developments are only interrupted by the kiln-drying. During the mash (the mixing of the ground malt with water) the enzymes as desired become active again. The malt is now ready for the brewing process. Production methods will differ from brewery to brewery, as well as according to brewery equipment and beer types. Athenian Brewery S.A uses its own production methods; however the main processes will be similar. The description below applies to the production of a typical lager beer in a brewery with a lauter tun installed. The first stage in the brewing process is the preparation of the wort. After the malt is crushed to grist of suitable fineness, and preliminary treatment of the adjuncts takes place to facilitate extraction, the malt and adjuncts are mixed with brewing water to form a mash. Adjuncts are a supplementary sugar supply, provided either as starch (e.g. maize grits or rice) or as sugar or glucose syrup. Glucose syrup can also be added later to the wort kettle. The mash is heated, following a pre-set time-temperature program, in order to convert and dissolve substances from the malt and adjuncts in the brewing water. (The brewing water is often called ‘liquor’.)Extraction is accomplished through a combination of simple dissolution and the influence of the enzymes formed during the malting. The substances dissolved in the water are collectively called the â€Å"extract†. The solution formed is called the â€Å"wort†When the mashing is completed, the spent raw mater ial, called the â€Å"spent grains†, is separated from the wort by straining. The wort is then boiled with hops or hop extracts, releasing bitter substances and oils which are dissolved in the wort. During boiling the bitter substances are isomerizes, which increases their solubility, and a precipitate consisting mainly of proteins is obtained (the â€Å"trub’). After separation of the trub, the wort is cooled to approximately lO0C. The cooled wort is transferred to the fermentation area. In order to obtain a high yield of extracted substances as quickly and efficiently as possible, the malt must first be crushed before being mixed with hot water. Care should be taken during crushing to make sure the husks are not damaged, since they are used as filter bed for separating the spent grains when straining off the wort. Since the extract yield generally increases in direct proportion to the degree of fineness to which the malt is milled, it would be preferable for the malt to be crushed to very fine flour. However, this would cause the filter bed to become clogged during most wort straining operations, resulting in an increase in the time required for separation. Moreover, the bed would become less permeable, leading to the hold-up of valuable extract within the spent grains. Spargin2, if used, would also be less effective in recovering extract. The fineness to which the malt is milled is therefore a balance between best extract yield and ability to filter the wort. The purpose of mashing is to obtain a high yield of extract (of the highest possible quality) from the malt grist and adjuncts by extraction in the brewing water. Only a minor part of the extract is obtained through ordinary dissolution, while the remainder is extracted by means of the enzymatic breakdown of complex insoluble substances to simple water-soluble substances. Factors such as temperature, PH and length of time of the mashing must be carefully controlled so as to create optimum conditions. Conversion temperature is typically 650C, but mashing may begin at lower temperatures (e.g. 45OC) if the malt is relatively tinder-modified. .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac , .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .postImageUrl , .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac , .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac:hover , .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac:visited , .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac:active { border:0!important; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac:active , .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u80f5c5d3dabf46a78a39b7353e263eac:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Inline or Online EssaySome classes of proteins and starches are insoluble in water. During mashing, the proteins are broken down by an enzyme system. Proteases hvdrolyse the proteins to peptides and other less complex nitrogenous compounds, and peptidases subsequently break down the peptides to amino acids. The starch is broken down by the amylase enzyme system to glucose, maltose and dextrins. In case of poor malt quality, enzymes from the malt can be supplemented with exogenous enzymes. Adjuncts such as rice and maize are not pre-germinated and do not contribute enzymes. Furthermore, their starch has a higher gelatinization temperature than malt starch. The adjunct is therefore mixed with water and cooked. The adjunct mash is then mixed with the malt mash and the malt enzymes break down the adjunct starch. Sugar and glucose syrup can also be used as adjuncts. Since no enzymatic breakdown is required, these adjuncts are added to the wort kettle. During mashing, the substances in the malt and adjuncts are broken down and dissolved in the brewing water. In addition to sugar and protein compounds of various complexities, the mash also contains insoluble material (spent grains). The wort is separated from the spent grains by straining through a porous filter bed formed by the husks. The residual extract in the filter bed is leached out with sparging water. The temperature of the wort during straining is about 75-780C. Following removal of the spent grains, the wort is heated to boiling in the work kettle and addition of the hops takes place. I.All enzymes are inactivated to prevent the continued breakdown of proteins during fermentation. 3.Bittering of the wort occurs via isomerisation of hop alpha-acids. 4.Unstable colloidal protein coagulates and precipitates. 5.Unwanted flavour components evaporate from the wort. The wort is normally boiled vigorously for about I.5 hours with a minimum boiling intensity of 5-8% evaporation per hour. The degree of wort clarity required depends on the type of beer being produced and on brewing practices. The wort should be clear and free of particles â€Å"hot trub†) before entering the fermenting vessel. Particles, especially small ones, carry lipids which in high concentration have a marked influence on the formation of ester and higher alcohols, as well as the production of other flavour components from yeast during fermentation. The equipment most commonly used for wort clarification is the whirlpool, in which the wort and trub particles are introduced in a tangential mode. Secondary forces on the particles cause them to migrate and accumulate in a cone at the centre of the bottom of the vessel. After clarification, the wort is cooled to a temperature of typically about 10OC. Cooling normally takes place in a heat exchanger. The hot water produced is collected and used as brewing water. After the wort has been cooled to the fermentation temperature, oxygen is added. The wort is then pumped to the fermentation tanks, where yeast is added. Oxygen is necessary to support development of the yeast to a state and amount capable of fermenting wort efficiently. Fermentation is an anaerobic process: the yeast metabolises the fermentable sugars in the wort, forming alcohol and carbon dioxide. Heat is generated during fermentation. To maintain the desired fermentation temperature, the fermentation vessels must he cooled. Once primary fermentation has occurred, the yeast is cropped and pumped to storage tanks. During fermentation, yeast is produced in excess. A part of this yeast is reused for a new hatch of wort, the remainder being discharged or treated as a by-product. The production yeast is typically reused several times (perhaps up to ten generations). The yeast treatment involves the following functions:†¢ Yeast propagation, i.e. production of new yeast†¢Storage and discharge of surplus and spent yeastThe beer is stored for a certain period following primary fermentation. The objective of storage is to obtain:†¢Settling of yeast and other precipitatesAfter storage, the beer is ready for filtration. For beer with a very high yeast cell count, a centrifuge may he necessary for pre-clarification prior to filtration in order avoid blockage of the filters. Installation of a centrifuge may further reduce the consumption of kieselguhr, the filtration medium. The cooling of beer prior to filtration is important in regard to shelf life, since a forced precipitation of haze particles takes place at this stage rather than hater in the bottles. Cooling must be controlled very carefully to ensure a constant beer temperature of approximately -10C to -l.5C. The purpose of filtration is to obtain the specified low level of initial haze in the beer and to facilitate prolonged shelf life. Filtration typically takes place in a kieselguhr (diatomaceous earth) filter. Perlites (volcanic residues) are sometimes used instead of kieselguhr. Diatomaceous earth performs the filtration, with the filter itself acting as support for the filter cake. The small diatoms form a rigid but porous filter cake which sieves out particulate matter as it passes through the filter. To prevent â€Å"blinding†of the filter, and to achieve extended filter runs, kieselguhr is continuously dosed into the unfiltered beer as â€Å"body feed†, thereby constantly building up the depth of the filter cake. To act as a â€Å"police filter†after the kieselguhr, a cartridge filter or sheet filter can he installed. Additives such as stabilising agents, colouring and primings (sugar) can be dosed to the beer. In order to achieve the finished product specification for CO, the beer is carbonated before being sent to the bright beer tank. Nitrogen gas may also be used in small quantities to favour foam performance. When the filtration process is completed, the beer is ready for packaging. Prior to packaging, the beer is stored in bright beer tanks. It is important that all process equipment and pipes are kept clean and disinfected. Cleaning is done by means of CIP plants, where cleaning agents are circulated through the equipment or sprinkled over the surface of the tanks. Disinfection takes place through a combination of high temperature, cleaning agents and disinfectants. Caustic and/or acid are normally used as cleaning agents. The cleaning and disinfection of the brewery equipment can involve the use of substantial amounts of energy, water, cleaning agents, and disinfectants. .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 , .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .postImageUrl , .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 , .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552:hover , .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552:visited , .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552:active { border:0!important; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552:active , .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552 .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3f6db099eabce24d308cebc9da6b6552:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: ch 2 medical terminology- suffixes indicating diseases or abnormal conditionsSeveral CIP units are usually required in order to cover all the process areas in the brewery. From the bright beer tanks the beer is pumped to the packaging area, where it is bottled, canned or kegged. During this final operation it is important that:†¢The beer is prevented from coming into contact with oxygen:†¢No carbon dioxide is lost, as the beer was carbonated to specifications during beer processing;†¢The beer is not infected. (If it is infected, its shelf life will be reduced and the beer will have off-flavours). In packaging lines using non-returnable bottles and cans, the bottles/cans are only flushed with water before filling. The bottle washer consumes large quantities of energy, water, and caustic. Furthermore, substantial quantities of waste water are discharged. The use of non-returnable packaging material reduces consumption of energy, water, and caustic, therefore reducing waste water generation. If kegs are used, they are cleaned and sterilised with steam before filling. Before being filled with beer, the returned bottles are sent to a bottle washer which removes all impurities inside and outside. Inside the bottles, impurities include residual beer mould, cigarette butts, etc, externally; impurities may include labels, aluminum foil, and dust particles. Bottle washing is likely to consist of soaking, rinsing, sterilisation and re-rinsing. The bottles are transported on conveyor belts from the bottle washer to the filling machine. They are filled under pressure, according to the quantity of dissolved carbon dioxide in the beer. In addition to tilling bottles, the most important function of filling machines (which may take various forms) is to prevent oxygen coming into contact with the beer. After filling, the bottles are conveyed to the crowner, which fits them with crown corks. The sealed bottles are then conveyed to the tunnel pasteurizer. Beer is pasteurised to ensure a long shelf life, although there is increasing use of sterile filtration as an alternative. It is important that all micro-organisms capable of growing in the beer are destroyed. Pasteurisation guarantees practically unlimited biological stability. Two different methods are used for the pasteurisation of the beer: (a) Tunnel pasteurisation, during which the beer is pasteurised in bottles (or cans), i.e. both beer and bottle are pasteurised as a closed unit; (b) Flash pasteurisation, employing a heat exchanger in which the beer is pasteurised before it is put into bottles (or kegs). Following pasteurisation, the bottles are conveyed to the labeler. There labels and, in some cases, foil are applied. The bottles are now ready for packing in crates, cartons, or other forms of transport packaging. Packed beer is stored in the warehouse. It is important to store beer under cover, as sunlight destroys its quality. In some breweries there is a centralised warehouse where chemicals and other supplies are kept. Brewery laboratories vary considerably from brewery to brewery. Well-equipped laboratories provide quality control checks on all aspects of raw materials control and use, brewing, fermentation, storage, filtration and packaging. In addition, they can analyse consumer product samples, process water, cleaning water, effectiveness of cleaning procedures, waste water, etc. on a routine basis. Heat is supplied by a boiler plant, usually located on-site. It can take the form of steam or of water at high temperature. Boilers are normally fired by oil, natural gas or coal, or supplemented with biogas from the anaerobic waste water treatment plant. Process cooling is supplied by a central plant using reciprocating or screw compressors. It can be distributed via the cooling media (for instance, ammonia) directly or via secondary cooling media such as propylene glycol. Water can be supplied from wells or surface intake. If the water is supplied from its own intakes, it should be treated in conventional water treatment plants. Normally the water quality must, as a minimum, meet regulatory requirements for drinking water. The various water consumers in the brewery have special water quality requirements, typically that it be soft or chlorine-free. Softening plants are regenerated using either salt or acids. Activated carbon filters are normally used to remove free chlorine. Water consumption in breweries varies significantly. Many breweries have installed water reservoirs and use booster stations for local water supply. Athenian Brewery S.A uses its own supplies of water that are the same for all the beers that Heineken N.V produces. The CO2 generated during the fermentation process can be collected, cleaned, and then reused in the brewery. CO2 is necessary for carbonation and/or counter-pressure in tanks and bottles to prevent beer oxidation. Some breweries recover more CO2 than is needed for production, in which case the surplus can be sold. Some breweries use nitrogen instead of CO2 for counter-pressure in tanks and bottles. Compressed air is mainly used for instruments, actuators, pressurising of tanks, and possibly the transport of spent grain. Most breweries use public sources of electricity. A few have their own co-generation plants, producing both electricity and heat. If the electricity supply is not stable, emergency generators may be used. The existence of a waste water treatment plant will depend on local discharge requirements and the costs of waste water treatment. Relevant waste water treatment technologies involve neutralisation and anaerobic or aerobic processes. There may be a centralised workshop that machine-tools spare parts, maintains equipment and vehicles, etc. Or workshops may be located near various operations. Storage for auxiliary materials such as kieselguhr, glue, labels, etc. is ideally located near where the materials are used. Solid waste is normally collected in a solid waste area equipped with compartments or containers for each type of waste. Bibliography:
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